IT Consulting

IT Consulting

Our consolidation methodology provides a structure from which the Exo Networx assessment team can design a service that meets the client’s need for a solution that is tailored to their business and technology drivers and ensures that Exo Networx and its customers are not exposed to undue risk during the execution of the service. Our methodology provides a structure that can be built on to ensure that minimum standards are adhered to and that specific processes and procedures are executed during the service to provide a consistent and quality focused experience for both the customer and the Exo Networx team.


Exo Networx’s consolidation approach is based on providing holistic solutions that address both the technology and the business. This approach leverages the collaborative relationship with the customer as its core discipline. This approach does not just provide new hardware and software to address an aging infrastructure but looks at how the customer is using their IT services and the financial impact this has on the business.



  • Collaborative teaming relationship (vendor/customer)
  • Focus on overall business value
  • TCO/ROI analysis based on real customer data
  • Iterative analysis reflective of business and IT goals



  • Improved performance and scalability
  • Increased utilization rate
  • Reduced costs (power, space, management / support of consolidated environment)
  • Improved security
  • Predictable service levels
  • Better manageability (consolidated administration, backup, etc….)
  • Higher availability ( business impact on system downtime)
Need assistance? We would be delighted to answer any questions.